For a brief moment around 2023 the 4 day work week almost seemed like a real possibility but then something happened and the issue just died out.
I am creating this post as a way to collect information and research on the topic. Do you know of any research done on the subject? Do you have personal experience? Share them in the comments all engagement is welcome! Let’s bring that issue back to life!
They forced us to go back to the office, even though we were more productive at home, and there was a brutal pandemic still raging. They let the CEO of Delta set Covid isolation guidelines to more easily manage staffing. Biden shut down the rail strike. Etc.
It finally hit home to people that, like our forefathers in the labor movement, we ain’t getting less work days without some bloodshed. And some of y’all ain’t there yet.
people even voted in fascists because they thought daddy would come home and fix all this
Well both the main parties are fascists. There wasn’t anything else allowed through. Dems sued the socialist candidate off the ballot in my state.
i mean wordwide. the entire planet is shifting fascist
No, people in general are shifting left. Which is causing the governments to shift more openly to the right.
Why do you say that? I have the complete opposite impression. Working class people are wither going liberal or authoritarian/populist depending on the amount of studies they have and general vibe around them. People outside of that are really rare. Which honestly feels depressing.
Leftist policies are extremely popular among the electorate. But all western nations are now corporate captured and completely corrupted. So the only options for voters tends to be center-right neoliberals, who only promise mild reforms and never even keep those promises, or full-throated fascists on the far right.
So the bland neoliberals have diminishing support that translates into losses, with most people not engaging in a process that offers them no representation, and you come away with the impression that support for fascism is gaining in popularity. In fact, it’s that the systems are rigged and only pro-corporate fascists are permitted to win.
Look at voter turnout numbers. Millions of people are simply choosing to not support either major party- not shifting right. And look at what happened to progressive ballot measures last election. Broad and sweeping support nationwide, even in districts where far right candidates win.
And if you look at what western governments are censoring online, it’s mostly support for leftist policies and anti-war speech. This further creates the impression of a growing right, due to systemic silencing of the left:
What studies are you referring to? Here’s the ones I’ve seen:
I think it’s a bit more complex than that. In my country there are multiple Marxist parties and since we are a parliamentary system they have actual power. Still the general discourse tends to feel a bit more to the sides I mentioned. At the same time far right has been growing. But I agree people tend to be onboard with leftist policies. Maybe what the world needs is a pinch more leftist populism. Bring voters back from the claws of the far right.
I have the same observations, people are confused and miserable. The easiest explanation is to just blame whatever minority is in fashion in your part of the world.
this is exactly my read. democracy is collapsing because the masses are voting in the fascists
The electoral systems are corrupted so that fascists are the only candidates allowed on the ballots. When the only options are Fascist A or Fascist B, surprise surprise, a fascist wins.
In the rare instances where an actual leftist makes it onto the ballot (not a neoliberal pretender), they tend to see huge turnout and broad support. Which is exactly why western governments are rigging the process to prevent them from gaining ballot access whenever possible.
I have a four day workweek instituted by a major corporation in 2023.
However it’s four 10 hour days, no reduction in hours worked.
I love it anyway, that extra day off is nice to have.
I work 4x9, the govt only hss 36hr contracts and doesn’t allow half days. Either 4x9 or 4x8+5x8 on a biweekly schedule.
Hardly ever really hit those 9 hours in actual work, but I do feel like getting more work done in my four days than in five.
Extracting the most hours of labour from employees was always more important than producing the most value.
Alternatively the execs whom regularly baulk at paying employees more for the same work, unsurprisingly, also baulked paying employees the same for less work. Productivity isn’t considered in this equation (or that all work hours are not equal productivity wise).
This is actually because of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Capital expenditure can be amortised over the life time of the plant, while wages are not.
I do agree, but I also believe that with sufficient push from the employees these practices can change. For example the 8h work day (if I remember correctly) is a result from a similar push.
A four day work week is against the interest of capitalists. The labor market like any other market is governed by supply and demand. A four day work week would reduce the supply of work by 20%. So unemployment would have to go down, which leads to higher wages, which again lower capitalists profits. That is not to say that it is impossible and obviously a number of companies tried it successfully. However to actually do it at scale you need unions or other ways of large scale mobilization of workers. To be quite frank, workers are not organized well enough to get this done today.
I do agree, unions have played and I think will play a large role in the push for workers rights.
I’m guessing Elon Musk and trump happened. People are watching the US and think it’s maybe better to wait with making the world nicer for everyone. Musk is already bragging that he wants government employees to work 80 hour a week, bect that’s normal, while being paid less or nothing because apparently he would love slavery to be a thing again to better humanity.
Can we please just get rid of those people?
In Brazil is being debated on the congress, the law was proposed as 4x3, but the congresswoman that made the proposal said that the intention is to be debated and moved to 5x2, because in Brazil the law is working maximum 6 days a week with a 44hs week, with one day of paid rest. Hope the law pass so everyone can have 2 days a week to rest.
Best of luck, I hope it is accepted!
4x3 is a pipedream, but 5x2 for all workers in an incredible advance.
In my sector (financial services) everyone already works 5x2, but they’re some companies offering 4x3 already, but they are very rare, if 5x2 became the baseline, more companion are going to offer 4x3.
That sounds nice, here (eastern Europe) all contracts are 5x2 it is not bad, but being so solid means nobody will even think of 4x3…
what country?
What do you mean?
The 4 day workweek thing was maybe not a global thing, I know in Western Europe it’s been all the rage but I don’t feel like it was discussed that much in Eastern Europe for example . Maybe they’re asking because they can add more context depending on your perspective
Have you raised the question to your boss?
I have, but the idea here is to have a resources to point to when the topic is discussed. Not only by me, but everyone.