from the no-disassemble dept

  • masterofn001
    1 month ago


    Planting malware would violate the CFAA, 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(A) (intentionally damaging through knowing transmission, imprisonment up to 10 years), as well as state computer crime laws.

    The CFAA provides both criminal and civil penalties, and specifically prohibits: (1) unauthorised access (or exceeding authorised access) to a computer and obtaining national security information (imprisonment up to 10 years); (2) unauthorised access (or exceeding authorised access) to a computer used in interstate or foreign commerce and obtaining information (imprisonment up to one year); (3) unauthorised access to a non-public computer used by the United States government (imprisonment up to one year); (4) knowingly accessing a protected computer without authorisation with the intent to defraud (imprisonment up to five years); (5) damaging a computer intentionally or recklessly (imprisonment up to five years)

    Good thing laws don’t apply to the people who make the laws.