Today’s game is Silent Hill 2. Today’s post is going to be short due to not having much time today, but i managed to finish the Hospital today. Now that i know everything about it, it was way faster. I’m hoping to make just as quick of time on the Otherworld hospital.

The audio machine in the picture scared the shit out of me when i went back to get a photo i missed in my first playthrough. I hadn’t got it in my first playthrough, so i had no clue it would start making static when i went by it. Then there was a mannequin that jumped my that i missed on my first go through the room. The chainsaw makes dealing with them easy but god, do they still terrify me.

I also got this shot of the roof. There’s not really any fun stories behind it, i just like rain and thought the roof was a pretty shot. There’s a busted fence up there of no real importance and idk what it is, but it + the rain gives me Resident Evil 2 remake vibes.

  • @nul9o9
    3 months ago

    Man, the Silent Hill 2 Remake has such great atmosphere. I wasn’t terrified, but I was filled with a strong sense of dread.