• @[email protected]
    563 months ago

    If I were running Medica, I would retire and bribe my way into witness protection.

    Or maybe I would Scrooge / Grinch Christmas morning my ass as hard as possible.

    There’s a lot more people hurting out there. We need to do a lot better. Specifically, billionares and private oligopoly CEOs need to do a lot better. Past generations understood that. This guy paid with his life for not understanding it.

    I hate victim blaming, but I can’t honestly call this asshole the victim in all this. The victims were a bunch of kids and parents and siblings whose names we will never hear in the news.

    • @[email protected]
      363 months ago

      Not even a yank but I totally get this sentiment

      Think of it this way - this shooting will cause grief and suffering to a dozen relatives or so

      That guy is directly responsible for the grief and suffering of tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people, just so he could buy a spare yacht

      Cunt got what he deserved. Handgun owners are generally the most cowardly people on earth, but at least this one used it how it should be used

      • @AnUnusualRelic
        33 months ago

        Not to mention the grief and suffering in the yacht industry. Some families will go to bed hungry.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          They’ll probably get more business actually as someone will happily take over the newly vacated position and see it as their right to get their own yacht.

    • @Tyrangle
      263 months ago

      I’m genuinely shocked by the public reaction to this murder. I feel naive for saying that, but it’s true. I’m not surprised that people are feeling the way that they feel - I feel it too - but I didn’t expect to see such open support for violence. Feels like it’s only a matter of time before this happens again.

      • cabbage
        253 months ago

        America suddenly realized that shooting a billionaire will make you an instant folk hero. Historically, there has been a learning effect in violent episodes; one school shooting inspires others. I wonder what’s next.

        This is of course unacceptable in any half functioning Rechtstaat. Whether America qualifies as such I’ll leave for others to decide.

      • @tburkhol
        63 months ago

        America loves vigilantes. Half our movies are based on the Vigilante Man trope… Bernie Goetz, George Zimmerman, Kyle Rittenhouse…the only thing different here is the vigilante shot a white man.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        It’s not murder when it’s self-defense. This guy killed sooooo many people in the name of profit.