Day 5: Print Queue
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No really proud of todays solution. Probably because I started too late today.
I used a dictionary with the numbers that should be in front of any given number. Then I checked if they appear after that number. Part1 check. For part 2 I just hoped for the best that ordering it would work by switching each two problematic entries and it worked.
::: spoiler
function readInput(inputFile::String) f = open(inputFile,"r"); lines::Vector{String} = readlines(f); close(f) updates::Vector{Vector{Int}} = [] pageOrderingRules = Dict{Int,Vector{Int}}() readRules::Bool = true #switch off after rules are read, then read updates for (i,line) in enumerate(lines) line=="" ? (readRules=false;continue) : nothing if readRules values::Vector{Int} = map(x->parse(Int,x),split(line,"|")) !haskey(pageOrderingRules,values[2]) ? pageOrderingRules[values[2]]=Vector{Int}() : nothing push!(pageOrderingRules[values[2]],values[1]) else #read updates push!(updates,map(x->parse(Int,x),split(line,","))) end end return updates, pageOrderingRules end function checkUpdateInOrder(update::Vector{Int},pageOrderingRules::Dict{Int,Vector{Int}})::Bool inCorrectOrder::Bool = true for i=1 : length(update)-1 for j=i+1 : length(update) !haskey(pageOrderingRules,update[i]) ? continue : nothing update[j] in pageOrderingRules[update[i]] ? inCorrectOrder=false : nothing end !inCorrectOrder ? break : nothing end return inCorrectOrder end function calcMidNumSum(updates::Vector{Vector{Int}},pageOrderingRules::Dict{Int,Vector{Int}})::Int midNumSum::Int = 0 for update in updates checkUpdateInOrder(update,pageOrderingRules) ? midNumSum+=update[Int(ceil(length(update)/2))] : nothing end return midNumSum end function calcMidNumSumForCorrected(updates::Vector{Vector{Int}},pageOrderingRules::Dict{Int,Vector{Int}})::Int midNumSum::Int = 0 for update in updates inCorrectOrder::Bool = checkUpdateInOrder(update,pageOrderingRules) inCorrectOrder ? continue : nothing #skip already correct updates while !inCorrectOrder for i=1 : length(update)-1 for j=i+1 : length(update) !haskey(pageOrderingRules,update[i]) ? continue : nothing if update[j] in pageOrderingRules[update[i]] mem::Int = update[i]; update[i] = update[j]; update[j]=mem #switch entries end end end inCorrectOrder = checkUpdateInOrder(update,pageOrderingRules) end midNumSum += update[Int(ceil(length(update)/2))] end return midNumSum end updates, pageOrderingRules = readInput("day05Input") println("part 1 sum: $(calcMidNumSum(updates,pageOrderingRules))") println("part 2 sum: $(calcMidNumSumForCorrected(updates,pageOrderingRules))")