Same, but I learned (rather quickly mind you) enough of the CLI to get by, and continue learning to this day. I looked up a few “Bash basics” and “linux terminal basics” videos on youtube and followed along like it was a class which really helped. And whenever I have to figure out how to solve an issue I have (for instance my airpods didn’t want to connect through the GUI at first) and it gives me a CLI fix (bluetoothctl in this case) I try to remember it, or I can always go “ah fuck what was that command again…” and search it again, or I put some of those in a textfile called linuxcommands.txt that I can reference back to, or I can try bluetoothctl -h for help, or man bluetoothctl for the manual for bluetoothctl (and that works with most CLI programs.) Honestly sometimes I prefer the CLI now.
Now I need to learn all of the symbols and hotkeys and for loops and cool shit like that, but I’ll get there.
I think that a lot of people are missing this, my first Windows was Windows XP, so I’m pretty much used to doing everything through a GUI
Same, but I learned (rather quickly mind you) enough of the CLI to get by, and continue learning to this day. I looked up a few “Bash basics” and “linux terminal basics” videos on youtube and followed along like it was a class which really helped. And whenever I have to figure out how to solve an issue I have (for instance my airpods didn’t want to connect through the GUI at first) and it gives me a CLI fix (bluetoothctl in this case) I try to remember it, or I can always go “ah fuck what was that command again…” and search it again, or I put some of those in a textfile called linuxcommands.txt that I can reference back to, or I can try
bluetoothctl -h
for help, orman bluetoothctl
for the manual for bluetoothctl (and that works with most CLI programs.) Honestly sometimes I prefer the CLI now.Now I need to learn all of the symbols and hotkeys and for loops and cool shit like that, but I’ll get there.