It could be that someone got fired for something they did and you got the blame for them being fired.

Or it could be something else, so spill the beans what workplace dramas have you been involved in?

  • @jordanlund
    243 months ago

    Our CEO made a big announcement about how we were going to move from a B2B (Business to Business) environment to a B2C (Business to Consumer) environment. B2C is the future, Internet of Things, yadda yadda.

    So, since we have an open door policy, I popped him an email and asked him what the plan was to invest in our infrastructure because, as it stood then, B2C was out of reach and the clients we had attempting it were finding it wasn’t robust enough, citing my example client list and recent failures.

    I got immediate heat. Nobody had told him our infrastructure couldn’t do it. “What are your sources? How do you know?” - Sources cited. CEO went to his yes men: “This guy knows what he’s talking about and seems really sure of what he’s saying…”


    10 years later, we’re on our 3rd CEO, our infrastructure still isn’t updated, and B2C still hasn’t happened.