I don’t think I can ever let my parents know I’m an atheist and with that seems to go my chance of having kids.

Which got me curious: can any irreligious people on here who have kids while having religious parents share what thats like?

Would love to hear your stories or thoughts on this in general.

  • @Crackhappy
    23 months ago

    Both of my parents, as I grew up in the 80s, were not religious. I did go to Sunday school at the behest of my grandparents who were all quite religious, but I never believed in any of the beliefs they were peddling. I can completely understand the need to believe in something, as the alternative is existential dread. As I wind down my life, heading to a void, I don’t find that discomforting. I don’t find all of history before I was born discomforting, so why would I find all of history after I die discomforting?