• @Nalivai
    26 days ago

    You are spending more time and effort doing that than you would googling old fashioned way. And if you don’t check, you might as well throwing magic 8-ball, less damage to the environment, same accuracy

    • @[email protected]
      26 days ago

      The latest GPT does search the internet to generate a response, so it’s currently a middleman to a search engine.

      • @Nalivai
        15 days ago

        No it doesn’t. It incorporates unknown number of words from the internet into a machine which only purpose is to sound like a human. It’s an insanely complicated machine, but the truthfulness of the response not only never considered, but also is impossible to take as a deaired result.
        And the fact that so many people aren’t equipped to recognise it behind the way it talks could be buffling, but also very consistent with other choices humanity takes regularly.

    • @bradd
      05 days ago

      When it’s important you can have an LLM query a search engine and read/summarize the top n results. It’s actually pretty good, it’ll give direct quotes, citations, etc.

      • @Nalivai
        14 days ago

        And some of those citations and quotes will be completely false and randomly generated, but they will sound very believable, so you don’t know truth from random fiction until you check every single one of them. At which point you should ask yourself why did you add unneccessary step of burning small portion of the rainforest to ask random word generator for stuff, when you could not do that and look for sources directly, saving that much time and energy

        • @PapstJL4U
          13 days ago

          I, too, get the feeling, that the RoI is not there with LLM. Being able to include “site:” or “ext:” are more efficient.

          I just made another test: Kaba, just googling kaba gets you a german wiki article, explaining it means KAkao + BAnana

          chatgpt: It is the combination of the first syllables of KAkao and BEutel - Beutel is bag in german.

          It just made up the important part. On top of chatgpt says Kaba is a famous product in many countries, I am sure it is not.

        • @bradd
          13 days ago

          As a side note, I feel like this take is intellectually lazy. A knife cannot be used or handled like a spoon because it’s not a spoon. That doesn’t mean the knife is bad, in fact knives are very good, but they do require more attention and care. LLMs are great at cutting through noise to get you closer to what is contextually relevant, but it’s not a search engine so, like with a knife, you have to be keenly aware of the sharp end when you use it.

        • @bradd
          14 days ago

          I guess it depends on your models and tool chain. I don’t have this issue but I have seen it for sure, in the past with smaller models no tools and legal code.