
A 2024 poll by the Legal Action Center shows 75% of Americans believe substance use disorders (SUD) should be treated as a health issue rather than a crime, up from 67% in 2019.

Despite this, most states still criminalize drug possession, and federal laws like those targeting fentanyl perpetuate punitive approaches.

Policies expanding access to harm-reduction tools like naloxone have improved, but treatment access remains underfunded, and insurance compliance with SUD coverage laws is lacking.

Experts warn that criminalizing drug use exacerbates overdose risks and diverts resources from effective health solutions.

  • @Doomsider
    31 month ago

    The Senate is designed to subvert the will of the people and represents monied interests. This is by design as the country was created by the rich for the rich. Everything else is just propaganda that has been fed to us our entire life.

    • Diplomjodler
      21 month ago

      The US Senate is the way it is because the slaver stars wanted their slaves counted for political representation without actually letting them vote. That tells you all you need to know.