I do avoid most sales. They’re either a lie using a fake regular price, or a low quality product that didn’t sell, so they taking a loss to get rid of it. Either way, not worth my time. I shop for quality products that meet my needs when I need them, not when they’re on sale.
You know what else is bad for society to promote? Billionaires like Jeff Bezos.
I think your driver deserves $5 more than he does. Especially this time of year when they are no doubt working much harder for the same pay they get the rest of the year. The drivers, not Bezos. Bezos is doing the same amount of work (practically nothing) and getting way, way, way more money this time of year.
Well hell, wish I’d known this when they dropped off a bunch of flat pack desks. I’m not tipping the guy that just dropped off a kitchen spoon.
Why not. Is not like that was his only delivery for the day. Plus it’s no cost to you.
I don’t like paying people just to do the job they’re already paid for, and I think it’s bad for society to promote it.
This is paid by Amazon as a social experiment. You don’t pay the tip.
Doesn’t matter, the money is nothing to me, it’s simple principle. I also don’t use store cards or coupons.
Weird flex
I’m a weird guy
Do you refuse to buy items on sale? Do you hate having money?
I do avoid most sales. They’re either a lie using a fake regular price, or a low quality product that didn’t sell, so they taking a loss to get rid of it. Either way, not worth my time. I shop for quality products that meet my needs when I need them, not when they’re on sale.
You know what else is bad for society to promote? Billionaires like Jeff Bezos.
I think your driver deserves $5 more than he does. Especially this time of year when they are no doubt working much harder for the same pay they get the rest of the year. The drivers, not Bezos. Bezos is doing the same amount of work (practically nothing) and getting way, way, way more money this time of year.
That’s bad for society.
I agree, and also think a stupid stunt is a poor way to reach better wages. It’s just a way to placate the masses.