Well, I really enjoyed the first two episodes. It definitely has that Spielberg/Goonies vibe, but My wife and I are really enjoying it. I’m still not entirely sold on the fact that the Star Wars universe has suburbs, doesn’t feel quite right to me.
I’m still not entirely sold on the fact that the Star Wars universe has suburbs
On the other hand, I remain amused to no end that the Star Wars universe is such a rundown hellhole that their idealized paradise of eternal treasure and prosperity is… a mid-century modern house with a white picket fence at the end of a cul-de-sac, and a stable 9-5 accounting job with a decent dental plan.
Well, I really enjoyed the first two episodes. It definitely has that Spielberg/Goonies vibe, but My wife and I are really enjoying it. I’m still not entirely sold on the fact that the Star Wars universe has suburbs, doesn’t feel quite right to me.
On the other hand, I remain amused to no end that the Star Wars universe is such a rundown hellhole that their idealized paradise of eternal treasure and prosperity is… a mid-century modern house with a white picket fence at the end of a cul-de-sac, and a stable 9-5 accounting job with a decent dental plan.