The first two episodes were very watchable. Looking forward to where this one goes.

  • UKFilmNerd
    34 days ago

    Well, I really enjoyed the first two episodes. It definitely has that Spielberg/Goonies vibe, but My wife and I are really enjoying it. I’m still not entirely sold on the fact that the Star Wars universe has suburbs, doesn’t feel quite right to me.

    • @[email protected]
      23 hours ago

      I’m still not entirely sold on the fact that the Star Wars universe has suburbs

      On the other hand, I remain amused to no end that the Star Wars universe is such a rundown hellhole that their idealized paradise of eternal treasure and prosperity is… a mid-century modern house with a white picket fence at the end of a cul-de-sac, and a stable 9-5 accounting job with a decent dental plan.