The first two episodes were very watchable. Looking forward to where this one goes.

  • UKFilmNerd
    34 days ago

    Well, I really enjoyed the first two episodes. It definitely has that Spielberg/Goonies vibe, but My wife and I are really enjoying it. I’m still not entirely sold on the fact that the Star Wars universe has suburbs, doesn’t feel quite right to me.

    • @[email protected]
      23 hours ago

      I’m still not entirely sold on the fact that the Star Wars universe has suburbs

      On the other hand, I remain amused to no end that the Star Wars universe is such a rundown hellhole that their idealized paradise of eternal treasure and prosperity is… a mid-century modern house with a white picket fence at the end of a cul-de-sac, and a stable 9-5 accounting job with a decent dental plan.

  • shoulderoforion
    127 days ago

    Who Star Wars is for? Star Wars is for me motherfucker. Who Star Wars is for. Fuck outta here. I mean, this show is not pulling any punches being for the kiddies, but I found it a bit too precious for my tastes, but just this side of alright to keep watching.

  • @villainy
    46 days ago

    The first 2 episodes were fine but I really dislike these 8 episode seasons. It’s like they drag a 2 hour movie’s worth of story into 8 30-45 minute episodes.

    • UKFilmNerd
      44 days ago

      That was the reason I stopped watching Acolyte. One episode was just about the Jedi walking through a forest to a house. It didn’t need to be that long.

  • Boozilla
    157 days ago

    I love it so far. Breath of fresh air.

    • @wjriiOP
      77 days ago

      Yup. “Goonies meets Treasure Island” seems like a fun idea for Star Wars, which is built on mashup and pastiche anyway. The little extra elements seem well thought out, and the performances are already shaping up to be better than The Acolyte’s.

      • @Raiderkev
        37 days ago

        That was kinda the vibe I got from the promo material. I’m out of town right now, but I intend to watch it with my kids. I’m pretty sure they’ll enjoy it.

        • @wjriiOP
          57 days ago

          It’s not going to make anyone forget Andor, and it’s still early, but so far it’s feeling like a better example of what Star Wars on TV should be than some of the more recent offerings.