This print started fine the first handful of layers before I walked away. I came back later and everyone of these blocks was curling up with the corners lifting off the bed. I just put on the PEI plate, this is the first print on it. I did level the print bed manually with a sheet of paper, the first layers of each block looked nice and uniform. I’m printing with the bed at 60c which is what I’ve always used with the flexible magnetic print mat that came on the printer. Should I be turning down the bed temp with the PEI plate?

Thanks for any advice

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    To echo others, make sure your print surface is clean and oil free, soap and water with a gentle scrub is good maintenance (unless your surface explicitly says not to, buildtak came with a big warning to only clean with IPA) and absolutely avoid things like acetone to clean it, IPA is alright to clean between batches.

    I’ve not seen pla lose adhesion like that, Do you have some pictures of what your first layer tests look like? Curling I’ve seen when your nozzle is too close to the surface, some of the worst adhesion issues I’ve had are because of that specifically on petg and somewhat on abs. But try to eliminate one variable at a time, get your surface oil free and then check your first layer again.

    Does it happen everywhere or just on the edges of the plate?