Chatcontrol is once again stopped. Good work again everyone who stood up, this is once again a win everytime it is a win.

Next country that is up for Presidency is Poland 🇵🇱 who are anti-chatcontrol.

Patrick Breyer website

chatcontrol timeline


  • @Yprum
    12 months ago

    I find it kind of ironic how you complain about downvotes while supporting democracy. I’m not saying whether I agree or disagree with you, I’m not saying either if I think you are right or wrong. But just like in a democracy votes represent the opinion of those who decided to vote. Being right won’t mean you get the votes. You should just accept them and stop complaining about them.

    • @JubilantJaguar
      2 months ago

      No, adding something useful to the discussion should get you a vote. The fact that other idiots agree with you does not magically make your contribution thoughtful, or insightful, or productive in any other way.