Day 8: Resonant Collinearity

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


  • Ananace
    12 months ago

    And I of course misread and wasted a bunch of time debugging the second part, entirely missed the fact that antinodes occurred on top of the emanating antennae as well…

    public static class LINQExt
      public static IEnumerable<(T,T)> PermutatePairs<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) {
        return source.SelectMany(k => source.Where(v => !v?.Equals(k) ?? false).Select(v => (k, v)));
    struct Antenna
      public int X, Y;
      public char Frequency;
    List<Antenna> antennae = new List<Antenna>();
    int width, height;
    public void Input(IEnumerable<string> lines)
      char[] map = string.Join("", lines).ToCharArray();
      width = lines.First().Length;
      height = lines.Count();
      for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
          char at = map[y * width + x];
          if (at == '.')
          antennae.Add(new Antenna{ X = x, Y = y, Frequency = at });
    public void Part1()
      HashSet<(int, int)> antinodes = new HashSet<(int, int)>();
      foreach (var antinode in antennae.GroupBy(k => k.Frequency).SelectMany(g => g.PermutatePairs()).SelectMany(v => GetOpposing(v.Item1, v.Item2)).Where(InRange))
      Console.WriteLine($"Unique antinodes: {antinodes.Count}");
    public void Part2()
      HashSet<(int, int)> antinodes = new HashSet<(int, int)>();
      foreach (var antennaePair in antennae.GroupBy(k => k.Frequency).SelectMany(g => g.PermutatePairs()))
        // Iterate separately, to make the handling of bound exit easier
        foreach (var antinode in GetAllOpposing(antennaePair.Item1, antennaePair.Item2).TakeWhile(InRange))
        foreach (var antinode in GetAllOpposing(antennaePair.Item2, antennaePair.Item1).TakeWhile(InRange))
      Console.WriteLine($"Unique antinodes: {antinodes.Count}");
    bool InRange((int, int) point) {
      return point.Item1 >= 0 && point.Item1 < width && point.Item2 >= 0 && point.Item2 < height;
    (int, int)[] GetOpposing(Antenna a, Antenna b) {
      return new[] { (a.X + (a.X - b.X), a.Y + (a.Y - b.Y)), (b.X + (b.X - a.X), b.Y + (b.Y - a.Y)) };
    IEnumerable<(int, int)> GetAllOpposing(Antenna a, Antenna b) {
      (int, int) diff = (a.X - b.X, a.Y - b.Y);
      (int, int) at = (a.X, a.Y);
      yield return at;
      while (true)
        at.Item1 += diff.Item1;
        at.Item2 += diff.Item2;
        yield return at;