Day 7: Bridge Repair
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Took quite some time to debug but in the end I think it’s a nice solution using base 2 and 3 numbers counting up to check all operator combinations.
function readInput(inputFile::String)::Vector{Vector{Int}} f = open(inputFile,"r") lines::Vector{String} = readlines(f) close(f) equations::Vector{Vector{Int}} = [] function getValues(line::String) return map(sp->parse(Int,sp),(sp=split(line," ");sp[1]=sp[1][1:end-1];sp)) end map(l->push!(equations,getValues(l)),lines) return equations end function checkEq(eq::Vector{Int},withConCat::Bool)::Bool function calcEq(eq::Vector{Int},operators::Vector{Int},withConCat::Bool)::Int res::Int = eq[2] for (i,op) in enumerate(operators) if op == 0 #+ res += eq[i+2] elseif op ==1 #* res *= eq[i+2] else #op==2 || res = parse(Int,string(res)*string(eq[i+2])) end end return res end opInt::Int = 0 operators = Vector{Int}(undef,length(eq)-2) while opInt < (withConCat ? 3^(length(eq)-2) : 2^(length(eq)-2)) withConCat==true ? operators=digits(opInt,base=3,pad=length(eq)-2) : operators=digits(opInt,base=2,pad=length(eq)-2) #calcEq(eq,operators,withConCat)==eq[1] ? (return true) : opInt -= 1 calcEq(eq,operators,withConCat)==eq[1] ? (return true) : opInt += 1 end return false end function calcTotCalRes(equations::Vector{Vector{Int}},withConCat::Bool)::Int totCalRes::Int = 0 for e in equations checkEq(e,withConCat) ? totCalRes+=e[1] : nothing end return totCalRes end @info "Part 1" println("result: $(calcTotCalRes(readInput("day07Input"),false))") @info "Part 2" println("result: $(calcTotCalRes(readInput("day07Input"),true))")