• @Cypher
    63 months ago

    I think it’s understandable that you want something to taste nice, especially if others seem to enjoy it and you feel like you’re missing out.

    If you want to know ‘why’ it tastes like soap it is literally genetics. You have a mutation to your taste buds!

    I also have a fun one, I can taste Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol, which most people can’t. I can taste it in quantities as low as 10 parts per trillion.

    It is a shitty superpower because it makes water that is perfectly clean and safe to drink taste like mud.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      So uh… If I didn’t know what those were before you mentioned them is that a bad thing?

      • @Cypher
        43 months ago

        Nope, I only know because my cities water supply was switched one day and our tap water went from the being like the finest spring water to a muddy puddle.

        I contacted the water supplier and found out Im a mutant… and that you can mostly fix it by boiling the water.