The Philippine Scops fell short of taking down the Screech Owl, but we have another Scops who wants to be tops today. It’s a tall order, going up against one very popular owl!

The Burrowing Owl is a perennial favorite. Its gregarious nature, the quirky behavior, it’s an owl almost everyone enjoys. Today, they are found in dry, grassy, open areas from the very south of western Canada down throughout South America. They are one of the few species actually benefitting from South America deforestation, as it makes new areas for them to expand into. It is equally happy hunting in the air or running on the ground. One great trick they’ve developed is since rattlesnakes also live in similar holes, if they hear a disturbance at their doorway, they will emulate the rattler’s sound to try and make their guest think they’ve stumbled into a snake pit!

Though one of the largest of the Scops, the Indian Scops is still a bit smaller than the Burrow Owl. It comes in both a lovely pale beige color or a light grey morph, both with orange to brown eyes. It stays cool and hidden in foliage during the day, and at night it makes a frog like call. Its favorite foods are beetles and grasshoppers, but it will take a rodent, lizard, or bird without complaining.

Does the playful Burrow Owl do it for you, or does the pointy little desert dweller have that edge you crave? Upvote your favorite now!

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  • anon6789OP
    203 months ago

    Indian Scops Owl