Also, many peasants didn’t even use bath houses they bathed in their home with more effort by heating up basins of water.

But excessive bathing wasn’t really talking about bathing but going to public bath houses to meet and to … other people.

If you read the article/post, it goes on to say that in later centuries, some medical professionals misinformed the public telling them not to bathe with warm water because the ‘pores would open and let too much bacteria etc in.’ I am thankful they eventually reconsidered.

  • TheoOP
    33 months ago

    And largely due to the US public education system lol. A lot of things they said in school were untrue or misconstrued. If they taught us true and interesting stuff like this, there would probably be less of a dropout rate.

    • @CosmoNova
      43 months ago

      The false narrative of the grim and dirty dark ages sadly isn’t exclusive to the US but likely predates it. It’s very prevalent across Europe.