Why do people spend money (and quite a lot of it) for devices that have less functionality than a smartphone?

  • Tablet is just a bigger screen, but not same power like a laptop.

  • Smartwatch is just tracking device that sends even more of your personal data.

And BOTH are another battery that you have to worry about.

  • Endymion_Mallorn
    02 months ago

    I mean that I have two different radar apps along with the Accuweather software. I look at it both for long-term and short-term forecasts. The last time I had a dedicated device just to do weather with the granularity and scale that I have on my tablet, the unit was called a home weather center (and required both GPS and internet access).

    • @OgygusOP
      12 months ago

      Seems cool! What are the apps called?

      • Endymion_Mallorn
        02 months ago

        They’re for iOS, because the main tablet is an iPad. The first one is Clime (which used to be called NOAA Radar), and the second is called MyRadar.

        • @OgygusOP
          12 months ago

          Aw 😕