A simple question to this community, what are you self-hosting? It’s probably fun to hear from each-other what services we are running.

Please mention at least the service (e.g. e-mail) and the software (e.g. postfix). Extra bonus points for also mentioning the OS and/or hardware (e.g. Linux Distribution, raspberry pi, etc) you are running on.

  • surfrock66
    1 year ago

    Lots. I have 2 proxmox hypervisors and 3 Raspberry Pi’s; my OS of choice for servers is Ubuntu Server or Raspbian.

    • ISC-DHCP-Server (DHCP)
    • Bind9 (DNS)
    • Pihole (pihole upstreams to bind9) (More DNS with ad and content blocking)
    • OpenLDAP (Directory)
    • Jellyfin (Media)
    • Nextcloud (General google drive replacement)
    • Vaultwarden (password Vault)
    • Asterisk (Phone)
    • EasyRSA Certificate Authority (Certificates)
    • Minecraft (Gaming!)
    • HomeAssistant (Home Automation)
    • Octoprint (3D Printing)
    • Shinobi (Security Cameras)
    • Multiple Apache Websites (Web)
    • Exim4 mail relay (Mail)


    • Photoprism (Photo Sharing)
    • tt-rss (RSS Reader)-
    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      How has hosting Asterisk been for you? I’ve looked at it briefly a few years ago, and you just reminded me of its existence. Is this setup just for you, or do you have other users?

      • surfrock66
        31 year ago

        Complicated. Ultimately, I don’t use it, but at a previous job we wrote a web-based softphone, and I was proud enough when I left of it that I continued to maintain it (since we open sourced it). I needed a test server for that, so I set up asterisk at home lol. Now that it’s there though, I wanna get a SIP trunk and actually have my kids use it when they get old enough for phones…I Have a few years to go.

    • @DrYes
      31 year ago

      I’ve been looking for an easy CA for home use signing of stuff (open-wrt, wifi). how’s your experience with EasyRSA?

      • surfrock66
        31 year ago

        It’s ok, but it’s VERY manual. I am ok with that, and it’s helped me learn better. I’ve written some scripting to help manage it, but I am always worried that there are gaps and I’ll miss some expiration. I am trying to compile an open source suite to essentially replace the AD suite, and it’s competent thus far but with much less UI.