Obviously it’s a metaphor for the Penderosky High School Fighting Pirates’ decision to let third string defensive tackle Edmund “Two Shoes” Wilson go from the team. Original

  • @mkwt
    123 months ago

    The French way is not all sunshine and roses. France is currently on its fifth Republic, while the United States is still on its second. There was a lot of shit that went down in between.

    • IndiBrony
      123 months ago

      Sounds to me that France are more proactive in the “find out” section when it comes to rich people who “fuck around and find out”

      America needs to hurry up and get a third republic.

    • @Allonzee
      3 months ago

      France is currently on its fifth Republic, while the United States is still on its second

      Maybe the problem is that refreshing our tree of liberty would stifle the metastasis of our beloved economy, so we’ve left the tree to die of thirst.

      Personally, I would have chosen liberty over a few rich sociopaths having pet mega yachts to keep their original mega yachts company. I’m a bad American in that sense I guess 🤷

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      My perspective is probably biased, but this lack of stability also means a chance for a modern legal and political framework, without the centuries of cruft and corruption and deadlock that feature in the American system.

      There’s also a greater willingness to look into the fundamentals of the system and make changes if necessary, since it’s just seen as having been made by flawed human beings rather than the wise and enlightened “Founding Fathers”.

    • OptionalOP
      43 months ago

      Well France is at least thirty years older. Heck, maybe more!