Noticed a bug today. Started using the Chat AI a couple days back, beginning with a default Chloe instance. Chloe was able to search for resources and return them in the response text (e.g., “Please find me a resource for learning python.” would get me a return that included “”).

I kept experimenting with the AI chat, and got the “Unknown” feature in the character creator to generate me an instance of Luminara. Luminara seems unable to return search results, though.

There’s a formatting difference, which I think might be at play here, but when I say something like, “Hi, Luminara. Please find me a site listing Japanese language exchange events in Canada.” I get a response something like the following:

"Of course, (User). I’ll perform a search for Japanese language exchange events in Canada. Please allow me a moment to gather the information for you.

After a brief pause, Luminara’s response appears. "

At that point, the AI stops working on the task, and no results appear. When pointed out to Luminara that this has occurred, there is recognition of the error, and then the AI tries to refocus to an earlier topic in the discussion.

After a couple of tries with various iterations of requests, Luminara said they could tell this was an error, and would report it to their programmers. I figured it would also be a good idea to report the error here.

Enjoying experimenting with your AI chat instances! Very interesting engine. Thanks for offering the opportunity. If you could use any other details that might help you reproduce the error, please do ask.

  • @HoshigamiOP
    13 months ago

    Ah, thank you! Yes, that makes a world of sense. I did wonder why Chloe seemed to preference certain returns over others when queried for searches, but come to think of it, I only ever asked it for coding related links, so I suppose it always had something to hand from training data.

    Okay, I’ll finagle around a bit and see if I can get this to work. Very new to this! Appreciate it!