This isn’t your college or work place break room. If people are saying something you disagree with you can just say it and you won’t be fired or ostracized for it. Yeah, people will probably get angry and say mean things to you but those are just words which can be ignored. Offence is taken, not given.

This is mostly for the lurkers who upvote unpopular opinions but don’t comment. You can speak up - you’re not alone.

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    2 months ago

    Not on Lemmy though.

    Also, Pro Tip:

    Sometimes you can occasionally make a comment you know will be taken negatively so that you can update your block list of people who choose to leave mean replies. It helps to phrase it in a way that will create an emotional response. This is helpful for removing these people from your feed, because usually they leave negative comments like that on every reply they make. Very rarely do I find a person that is nice in most of their comments leaving a mean one, like ever. But also it is very rare I find these kind of people in the first place anymore.