• @otacon239
    783 months ago

    “I have nothing to hide” until the government decides what you are and always have been has suddenly become a crime. Now all those years of “not hiding” makes conviction guaranteed.

    • @Randelung
      3 months ago

      The whole abortion thing in the US is pretty perfect to demonstrate that argument. You can assume that you have nothing to hide in the current political situation of your country, but say that somehow changes and they define you as the outgroup and suddenly things are very different. I wouldn’t want a cryptographic backdoor in my messenger, then. Looking at you, EU

      Or assume you’re visiting China or some other country with strong opinions on how you’re allowed to speak of the ruling party. Or some religious extremist country that doesn’t like women. Or one where drug cartels pull the strings and they may think you have valuable skills. (I think I’m approaching 3/4 of the world.)

      Which leads to an interesting conclusion. The argument “I have nothing to hide” is very first world problem-y. It’s a luxury that we can afford to not look behind our figurative backs all the time.