Just playing around with the camera adapter for my binocs.

Mr and Mrs Cardinal came to visit for a light breakfast.

A little color correction and snipped out some rain spots and stuck food on the plexiglass.

Pixel 7 through cheap binocs through my dirty patio door, SE Pennsylvania

  • anon6789OP
    11 month ago

    This works reasonably well, and you have a regular functioning phone and binocs when you’re not using them together.

    It doesn’t seal tight against the lens, but it works well enough with any of my phone cases on, and the amount of light leakage hasn’t diminished the image quality for me in any way that bothers me.

    • ⓝⓞ🅞🅝🅔
      21 month ago

      That’s really cool. You’ll find me pushing my phone against my binos sometimes and I look like a fool and the image has come out foolish half the time. But every once in awhile, you get something really nice. I’d like to maximize that. Haha

      • anon6789OP
        11 month ago

        I did see a video where a guy was just using some stiff rubber bands to hold the phone snug. He seemed to have success with that.

        • ⓝⓞ🅞🅝🅔
          21 month ago

          And that’s definitely the kind of silliness I’ve been up to. Did that with a telescope to get some fun moon shots once. 😁

          • anon6789OP
            11 month ago

            Whatever gets the job done!

            Necessity is the mother of all invention and all that… 😁