A couple of slices:

Extreme wealth disparity is not due to a lack of taxes, but rather a lack of competition. In a competitive market, profit margins are quite low. If any one company tries to set its prices much higher than the cost of production, rivals quickly undercut it. Unfortunately, large parts of our economy are blocked off from competition by laws and regulations. This allows monopolistic corporations to charge exorbitant prices.

Therefore, it is important to understand how billionaires create and maintain these monopolies that allow them to amass such unfathomable riches.


A lack of competition allows billionaires and their corporations to not make, but take wealth from everyone else. It is not enough to merely tax them on their ill-gotten gains. We need reforms to ensure that they can’t exploit and fleece everyone in the first place.

Do read the whole thing.

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  • @Doomsider
    43 months ago

    Read the article again. The author was pointing out intellectual property allows corporations to extract monopoly rent from society.

    These laws like patents, trademarks, and copyrights have allowed big business to dominate our economic system.

    Worse than this they use intellectual property to lockup and control our very culture that they have created through exploiting workers.

    It is an extreme imbalance and perversion of the way science and arts have existed for thousands of years.

    • @bouh
      23 months ago

      The article advocate for a libertarian world. Getting rid of parents and copyright is good, imagining that competition will bring a better world is plain stupid though. It is precisely the libertarian ideal. And it only lead to neo-feudalism.

    • @JairajDevadigaOP
      13 months ago

      Read the article again.

      I don’t think they read it even the first time around.