
Donald Trump is considering privatizing the US Postal Service due to its financial losses, a move that could disrupt shipping and push hundreds of thousands of federal workers out of government.

Citing the USPS’s financial losses, Trump argued the agency should not rely on government subsidies.

While his specific privatization plans remain unclear, Trump previously clashed with the USPS during his first term, attempting to shift control of key functions like labor relations and rate-setting to the Treasury Department.

This move could significantly alter the structure and operations of the USPS if implemented.

  • @CitricBase
    1163 days ago

    The postal service doesn’t lose money, it costs money.

    By this logic, the interstate highway system and the military both lose billions! Is Trump going to privatize them too?

    • @MyPornViewingAccount
      883 days ago

      Thats not even a true statement.

      The postal service makes money, but any surpless is automatically taken by Congress.

      In the early 2000s the GOP passed a law requiring the postal service to upfront load the retirement funds of new employees, creating a massive debt burden.

      Also, Congress has removed their ability to modernize equipment and fleets, forcing them to continue repairing aged equipment.

      Not to mention, DeJoy, Trump’s installment during his first term, has done everything he can to dismantle any modernization because he wants the Post Office sold at rock bottom prices so he can buy it, get this, because he owns competing companies.

    • @enbyecho
      92 days ago

      Don’t forget National and State parks - public lands in general. WhY ArEn’T tHeY tUrNiNg a PRooooFiT??

      • @CitricBase
        22 days ago

        You’re right, and that one isn’t even hyperbole. They earnestly want to turn the parks into oil fields and cut down the forests.

        • @enbyecho
          12 days ago

          “Land of Many Abuses”

      • Skeezix
        22 days ago

        Dont forget the fire department

    • AgentOrangesicle
      32 days ago

      Can’t spend money on sinfrastructure.

      Get ready for more train derailments!

    • @x00z
      32 days ago

      Don’t give it ideas.