Back in 2022, I wrote this rather grumpy post on Mastodon, the federated social media platform. @
[email protected] EdenMastodon enforces a "noreferrer" on all external links.I have mixed feelings about that.As a blogger, I want to see *where* visitors are coming from. I also like to see (and sometimes join in) with the conversations they're having.But, I get that people want privacy and don't want to "leak" where they're visiting from.Is it such a bad thing to tell a website "I was…
I read the article but I’m worried about the implementation which you won’t be able to choose and while you can change server realistically not many people will even know this happened.
I hope the focus is privacy and people and this change dowsn’t have people in mind.
Well, I don’t know how you could implement that from a website that would enable people to choose? Not sure that is technically possible.
And of course if you simply telll your browser not to send referer info in headers you won’t.