• MrSebSin
    103 months ago

    I agree with the sentiment. Shows will pop with cool concepts and storylines, but quickly devolve into 90-95% interpersonal drama and then a tiny reveal pushing the story/concept. It’s gotten so formulaic and boring.

    • Zagorath
      33 months ago

      I won’t pretend that this doesn’t happen a lot and isn’t a real problem. I think it’s an especially bad problem with plot-driven dramas in shows produced as part of the US network system. It’s less likely to be a problem in prestige cable shows or well-crafted streaming shows. It’s silly to pretend that shows can’t be just as artful as movies, at their very best.

      • Coriza
        53 months ago

        I don’t agree with TC point, it is objectively wrong as others have given a lot of good examples. But I do think there is a perverse incentive with serialized continuous entertainment like tv shows and is the same with cable and streaming shows but also the same can be applied to movies with sequels and expanded universe.

        The insentive is that if it is making money just keeps pushing more of that. And because a variety of reasons like sunken cost will make people hang on to a series while it declines. And they virtually all decline in quality because even if the show creators have a plan and ideia por like 5 seasons worth of content the company with want a 6th season, and as 7th and so on until it is so bad that people stops watching. This can be countered if the show creators have control of the IP and can finish it in their own accord but this is rarely the case I think.

        And so this is my observation, “all series continue until they become so bad that they lose enough audience”.

        Even Breaking bad I must say, such beloved show and I really enjoyed, 1st season had 7ep, 2-4 had 13 and the 5th 16, and I really think that it dragged on in some places in later seasons that was not present in the early ones. And they even add a movie, not wanting to let it go of the cash flow.