Ok, I am not supporting bestiality here. But, I just came to know about a Dogxim, a dog fox hybrid and I had known for a long time that horses and donkeys can breed (to produce a mule). So, I was just curious, can humans breed with any other animals closely related to us?

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    Actually the question was, “which animalbcan I breed with?”. I think it’s important not to misrepresent the facts.

    As for rogers, they didn’t have to pay Alliant because the court changed its mind after reading the french version of the contract. In the french version, it is clear the english contract means the plainly obvious interpretation, not the lawyery silent american comma bullshit!

    The deal was a five year term, that auto renews for five years unless you cancel it a year in advance.

    Alliant wanted to cancel the contract inside the first five year term, the gall of these lawyers!
