Gimi 30 year old Ciri on a unicorn with new monsters, magic and a good ass storyline, and I’ll be good to go.

  • @11111one11111OP
    -710 hours ago

    Also just dawned on me that this has to be fuckin exaggerated , right? If there really is a large enough % of the gaming fan base pissed about this, then who the fuck has been making all the fufking character preset mods of Ciri for literally EVERY FUCKING MOD-ABLE GAME ON THE INTERNET???!? 🤣🤣🤣

    • @db2
      139 hours ago

      No offense, but are you twelve or something?

    • @Zahille7
      48 hours ago

      People are assholes. They can believe that a woman “doesn’t belong as a protagonist,” yet they love to see attractive women doing shit. It’s the same people who make nude mods for these types of games.

      • @lordnikon
        38 hours ago

        The other problem is people make money off of creating conflict that drives engagement. Someone sees something different and first thinks i can juice this for engagement and content. So something turns from you know what that’s not really for me turns into their killing your boys tune in to my channel to find out why.