
The Schengen Area, a cornerstone of EU integration allowing free movement across 27 countries, faces increasing strain as internal border checks become widespread.

Germany has expanded border controls to all neighboring countries, citing high migration levels, while France and the Netherlands also enforce checks.

Though the Schengen framework views such controls as exceptions, some nations have extended them for years, challenging EU principles of free movement.

Despite plans to welcome Bulgaria and Romania as full Schengen members in 2025, ongoing debates over migration policy and uneven burden-sharing challenge the vision of a borderless Europe.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    It’s all a show for populistic politics. More people are employed watching the borders than the number of people that they catch at the borders. It’s a complete waste of time for both the border police and the EU citizens who legally cross the borders.

    The resources would be much better spend tracking down the undocumented people inside the countries. They could start by looking at the places they work or stay illegally.