I’ve recently gotten into astrophotography and I already can’t take go more than 10 minutes without a satellite ruining an exposure… I was showing a friend the telescope I got over the weekend and when looking up I just started pointing them out to him…
“And there’s a satellite, and there’s a satellite, oh look that way another satellite, hey look one more, and another and another and another…” It’s absurd :(
Just sign in this site as a guest and be disgusted as you see how starlink has dominated the sky… All the blue are starlink: https://tarot.saberastro.com/
I’ve recently gotten into astrophotography and I already can’t take go more than 10 minutes without a satellite ruining an exposure… I was showing a friend the telescope I got over the weekend and when looking up I just started pointing them out to him…
“And there’s a satellite, and there’s a satellite, oh look that way another satellite, hey look one more, and another and another and another…” It’s absurd :(
Just sign in this site as a guest and be disgusted as you see how starlink has dominated the sky… All the blue are starlink: https://tarot.saberastro.com/
Really disgusting indeed, thanks for letting us know. The difference between 2022 and 2024 (even 2023 vs 2024) is huge…
That site is so cool! And they don’t require an account to view it! Thanks for the link