You can dress appropriately for -40-50 and still be reasonably commfie for extended periods.
Particularly if you stay dry.
But it’s impossible to stay dry in persistent drizzle or heavy rain. At best you’re wearing several layers of wool and you’re warm but damp and miserable.
Impermeable shells require venting opening you to the cold wet seepage, and permeable shells will eventually fail if you stay out long enough.
You can dress appropriately for -40-50 and still be reasonably commfie for extended periods.
Particularly if you stay dry.
But it’s impossible to stay dry in persistent drizzle or heavy rain. At best you’re wearing several layers of wool and you’re warm but damp and miserable.
Impermeable shells require venting opening you to the cold wet seepage, and permeable shells will eventually fail if you stay out long enough.