FINNISH authorities stand accused of waging war on Christianity by Christian lawmaker Dr. Päivi Räsänen, above, who has been ordered to attend an appeal court hearing later this year. Premier Chris…
The rise of Christo-Fascism is a very real threat. It’s happening in Amurica right now and right in front of my very own eyes. I only hope the European and Scandinavian countries can get ahead of the threat to quash it before people’s freedoms get curtailed and society begins to resemble Talabani Islam.
The rise of Christo-Fascism is a very real threat. It’s happening in Amurica right now and right in front of my very own eyes. I only hope the European and Scandinavian countries can get ahead of the threat to quash it before people’s freedoms get curtailed and society begins to resemble Talabani Islam.