Just picturing an alien archaeologist “so, as they stopped being crippled by polio or losing their lives building railroads, they complained about having to wash the dishes?”

  • @Skullgrid
    3 months ago

    what fucking quality of life is it if I have a phone that sucks ass, and no house to call my own?

    EDIT : phones in general suck ass, I’m not saying my phone is worse than someone elses. That’s part of the problem that they’re all “pictures under glass” unwieldy, fiddly pieces of shit

    • @LauchsOP
      43 months ago

      Have you been recruited to go die in a trench? Or seriously worry about starving to death? Or watched a child die of measles, smallpox or whooping cough? Been a literal slave who could be whipped?

      Hell, would you even trade places with the children who made your shirt?