• @Zak
    113 months ago

    She should have recused herself from the case and handed it over to a colleague as soon as word of the affair became public.

    What she should have done is not hire her boyfriend for a high-profile special prosecutor role, or not start dating her high-profile employee, depending on which timeline is accurate. She put one of the most important criminal prosecutions in the history of the country at risk for the sake of her personal life.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      33 months ago

      Oh absolutely agreed. Best thing she could have done is not bring him on at all. Second best thing she could have done was to recuse herself once it became public. But instead, she doubled down on the stupid and tanked the case, her career, and his career in the process, while tainting every other case in the court of public opinion by association.

      This is an example of “Fuck around and find out”, taken in both the most literal and extreme way possible.