The problem is when WB bought CNN and flat out said “Faux News is our inspiration, we want to turn CNN into Faux News” a couple of years ago…
People didn’t stop watching CNN
That was their channel, and they do what their channel says.
When someone can’t understand something, it’s normal for them to get frustrated, and even belligerent. So when people try to explain, they just start throwing around insults and claiming if you don’t like CNN you’re a trump supporter.
The problem is when WB bought CNN and flat out said “Faux News is our inspiration, we want to turn CNN into Faux News” a couple of years ago…
People didn’t stop watching CNN
That was their channel, and they do what their channel says.
When someone can’t understand something, it’s normal for them to get frustrated, and even belligerent. So when people try to explain, they just start throwing around insults and claiming if you don’t like CNN you’re a trump supporter.
Why hasn’t a liberal billionaire started a media network to compete or fill the space with their ideals??
It’s almost as if billionaires and liberal ideologies are incompatible? Weird!
I don’t watch cnn or fox but I can tell you the comercials trying to get me to watch news nation drive me nuts.