Usually I’ll defend Apple on this, but yes it’s a step up from SMS, and Apple is a big reason RCS hadnt been widely adopted as a replacement, and incremented to include more features.
I’m definitely on Googles side here: years of no one doing anything until “fine, I’ll take care it myself”
Usually I’ll defend Apple on this, but yes it’s a step up from SMS, and Apple is a big reason RCS hadnt been widely adopted as a replacement, and incremented to include more features.
I’m definitely on Googles side here: years of no one doing anything until “fine, I’ll take care it myself”
Apple didn’t bother because it sucks. It’s not an actual solution (or path to one) for messaging not to be a dumpster fire.
Google “did it itself” exclusively for control. It’s exactly the same as their browser behavior.
it at least allows larger files than mms* and has reactions.
*size may vary significantly with MMS and is rarely if ever communicated.
Why would you defend Apple? It’s just a stupid form of lock-in, it was at the start, and it always will be.
If you want security, use an app that provides security. RCS does a little to protect against MITM attacks, unless that MITM is your OS vendor.