Welcome to the last weekly thread of 2024! We are going to skip the next weekend as some of you (including me) might be on holidays. So, Happy Holidays!

Still Playing Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout as my primary game. I am getting near the end, but I have been ignoring alchemy for a little while, so may have to spend few hours catching up. Should be able to finish it next week though.

Just got Vampire Survivors from Epic store for free, so have been playing that for last 30 mins or so. I liked the trial on Switch, but didn’t get it there cause I when I am on Switch I would rather play other games, on PC though, I can play it sometimes when I don’t have access to consoles. Not sure how long or regularly play it, but enjoying it for now.

And since this might be a long weekly thread, what are you planning to play over the holidays?

I am thinking about starting Yakuza 6 on PS. I was planning to replay the first 5, but going to skip them now and go straight to the next one.

On Switch, will continue Donkey Kong Country 2 after Atelier Ryza. Not sure if I’ll have enough to finish that too or not.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

  • MisterDeutsch
    3 months ago

    As a teacher starting his Winter Break, I’ve got my eyes on the Laughing Man (that’s the Famicom Detective Club VN). But most likely, I’ll be continuing to plug away at Picross 6.