By a 4-3 margin, the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools on Monday approved an application from Unbound Academy to open a fully online school serving grades four through eight.  Unbound already operates a private school that uses its AI-dependent “2hr Learning” model in Texas and is currently applying to open similar schools in Arkansas and Utah.

Under the 2hr Learning model, students spend just two hours a day using personalized learning programs from companies like IXL and Khan Academy. “As students work through lessons on subjects like math, reading, and science, the AI system will analyze their responses, time spent on tasks, and even emotional cues to optimize the difficulty and presentation of content,” according to Unbound’s charter school application in Arizona. “This ensures that each student is consistently challenged at their optimal level, preventing boredom or frustration.”

Spending less time on traditional curriculum frees up the rest of students’ days for life-skill workshops that cover “financial literacy, public speaking, goal setting, entrepreneurship, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving,” according to the Arizona application.

  • 2ugly2live
    22 months ago

    Kids aren’t being taught how to read, use a computer, or math. Now they’re not going to be taught at all through grades 4-8? I imagine if the parents are involved, it may do something, but what about kids with working parents? Whose going to make sure they’re actually retaining information? It’s kind of fucked up that they’ll be reintroduced into the “normal” system, and possibly be severely behind kids who had to go to class everyday.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      It’s just online school. If you don’t answer the questions you can’t go to the next sections. If you don’t progress you wouldn’t pass. If you don’t pass school you get held back… Parents who work wouldn’t sign their kids up for online school as they would get arrested for leaving their kids home alone. Some kids do well in it, a lot don’t. The kids that do well in it will get ahead quickly. Likely could finish a year early for those 4 years. Is that good? Debatable… but these things existed before this “slap the name AI on it” craze started. I knew some kids that were doing it in 2018 because hurricane Michael destroyed their school. And then many switched to it when covid started. Nothing really sounds any different here other than the AI being labeled on it.