Way better than instant. Two parts water, one part oats. Boil the water, turn off the burner, add the oats. Sprinkle a bit of salt. Stir to make sure all the oats are wet, cover. Wait a few minutes.

While you’re waiting, put whatever you want into a bowl - butter, syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon, bits of fruit, honey, peanut butter, jelly, etc. (Probably not all of those at once, but you do you.) Serve the oatmeal on top of the add-ons, mix.

  • @satanmat
    3 months ago

    I’m sorry, 😀 but yeah you are so doing it wrong


    Melt 1-2 tbsp butter, add oats, toast until they just start to get some color. Like 7-10 minutes.

    Add 3 parts water, at this point I add a diced apple.

    Simmer for 20 minutes.

    The toasting makes A Huge Difference.
    Thank me later

    But yes steel cut oats are 100x better than rolled Rolled oats come out like library paste.

    Oh crap- this is dull men…

    Boil rolled oats until gloopy. Embrace the bland.

    • @AA5B
      63 months ago

      Yeah, I haven’t done it years, and never knew about toasting. I have no idea how I used to make them

      I had a process perfected for rolled oats for the easiest and best results but also it’s been years.

      Damn kids don’t like something and it gets knocked off the menu. But they’re in college now so (after break) it’s all on my preferences, MUAH HA HA HA

    • NougatOP
      63 months ago

      Morning. Hungry. No coffee yet. Impatient.

      My way suits my purposes, and so it is not wrong.

      • @Landless2029
        43 months ago

        Have you tried soaking them in milk overnight? Then just toss in the pot in the morning adding a bit more milk or water. Good stuff.

        • NougatOP
          53 months ago

          Nothing pleases me more than to have made a post that has lit a discussion about the best way to make oatmeal.

          • @Landless2029
            22 months ago

            Agreed. Also. Throw some raisins in when you start cooking them. They rehydrate and give it a nice pop of flavor.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      I totally agree on the toasting, but note that it means the oats take longer to cook in the water. Also, I use a 2:1 ratio of water:milk instead of just water.

      Also, also, I add a handful of rolled oats when the steel cut oats are nearly done.

    • @mikezane
      42 months ago

      You should saute onions and red bell peppers with spices like cumin, paprika, and chili powder and at that to the cooked oats. Even better if you saute a meat with it like kielbasa or sausage. Make it a savory oatmeal.

      You can even go crazy and add an egg cooked over easy on the top. By far my favorite breakfast.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      If it’s coming out like paste, it’s getting over cooked with too much liquid. Which is very easy to do.

      With some experimenting, you can find just the right amount of liquid, time and temp. I use the microwave, and a low setting over a longer time.