I mean, like, every time something happens, like election results, coups in other countries, dictator gets overthrown by rebels, some corporate ceo getting shot, etc…, I say “hmm, what an interesting timeline I’m on” like half joking as a reference to time travel Movies/TV, but its also kinda half serious.

I mean like, I think about the Cold War and the two famous nuclear close-calls (Cuban Missile Crisis with Vasily Arkhipov, and the Radar False Alarm incident with Stannislav Petrov) amongst many other less-known nuclear close-calls, and I just think, there’s no way we should’ve survived those, like if each incident was a 50%/50% of ending in a nuclear war, then amonst that many close-calls, like 9 out of 10 timelines would’ve been the end of the world. Like it doesn’t really make sense for the world be a non-many worlds type with many different possibilities, cuz we’d be dead from nuking ourselves.

So we just got lucky with ending up on the 1 in every 10 timelines where the world didn’t end. And it seems like out luck has ran out since… I mean look at how the world is dealing with climate change, no country seem to care much, USA just elected a climate change denial party.

So I mean, don’t y’all think this “different timelines” thing make sense?

(Basically what I’m asking is, Many-Worlds Theory? Do you believe that, Yes or No?)

(Sorry if this makes no sense, IDK how to express thoughts properly 😅)

  • @Contramuffin
    03 months ago

    I think you might be confusing the many worlds hypothesis with something else. Many worlds doesn’t explain why the fundamental variables of the universe are the way they are, it describes the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics. It’s one of the most logical conclusions of the double slit experiment (Many worlds is the hypothesis that says that the particle passes through both slits)

    • FlashMobOfOne
      3 months ago

      Could be. I’m not a scientist, just a layman who likes wacky ideas.