As someone in the US it’s so easy to see so many depressing issues from the ravages of capitalism, to war, imperialism, and genocide. How can one care about these issues and hope for change without allowing themselves to be affected mentally?

I’ve been considering this for the past week, connecting it with Buddhist compassion towards the world and a need for mindfulness. But it’s so easy to fall into emotionlessness.

I’ve also thought through the world has always had issues and though some are getting much worse some are getting better.

I have gone to counseling before but they just make it an individual problem when it’s the world.

Edit: doesn’t have to be US centric. Just I’m writing from that pov

  • @LovableSidekick
    1 month ago

    As we scroll through the endless inbox of our news feeds, there’s a tendency not to want to spend a lot of time on most items, because there’s an endless stream of them. So we tend to process each thing quickly, react instantly, and move on to the next one. Training yourself to slow down the reaction part and focus on just observing the information first, can help not build up an ever-growing mountain of depression and cynicism.