I don’t know how much of this story is a legend or not but this is how a scientific (Claude Lorius) for the idea of collecting data from the air bubbles trapped in the arctic ice. (This data is now the base of climate science)
After a day of drilling on the arctic, as they were releasing in the evening they decided to use ice cubes from the ice they just drilled for their whisky. Drinking ice that is several hundred thousands years old is quite cool. While drinking the whisky the scientific noticed the air bubbles coming at the surface, then he got the idea that of he could analyze the air trapped in the ice he would get information about the atmosphere of the past.
We have seemingly reliable accounts of archeologist/explorers cooking and sampling frozen mammoth meat they excavated.
The meat was good enough to eat without them falling sick. Apparently it tasted like muddy meat and it had the texture of what you’d imagine bad elephant jerky would be like.
I don’t know how much of this story is a legend or not but this is how a scientific (Claude Lorius) for the idea of collecting data from the air bubbles trapped in the arctic ice. (This data is now the base of climate science)
After a day of drilling on the arctic, as they were releasing in the evening they decided to use ice cubes from the ice they just drilled for their whisky. Drinking ice that is several hundred thousands years old is quite cool. While drinking the whisky the scientific noticed the air bubbles coming at the surface, then he got the idea that of he could analyze the air trapped in the ice he would get information about the atmosphere of the past.
And this is how you get a weird parasite that was frozen in ice for 100k years
Don’t threaten scientists with a good time.
We have seemingly reliable accounts of archeologist/explorers cooking and sampling frozen mammoth meat they excavated.
The meat was good enough to eat without them falling sick. Apparently it tasted like muddy meat and it had the texture of what you’d imagine bad elephant jerky would be like.
Isn’t this how we got the moldy flesh as a delicatess trend?