Greetings all!

There are a few YouTube channels I watch on a regular basis that I’d put in the science/math bin. Here are a few examples:

NileRed Standup Maths Steve Mould AlphaPhoenix

I was wondering if anyone here had any recommendations for other science/math channels to follow or a resource that aggregates good channels. As a lay person, as in no college level education on these topics, I’m not sure I have the qualifications to determine if a channel is highly accurate or not. I think I’ve done a good job finding channels that are accurate but wanted to check in with folks that may be able to better determine that.

I’m particularly interested in astronomy, cosmology, and evolution.

  • @j4k3
    2 months ago

    Geology hub (inactive/amateur/recent vulcanologist)

    Shawn Willsey (professor of geology)

    Sabine Hossenfelder (inactive physicist)

    Two Minute Papers (active AI light researcher)

    Real Science (dunno, but cites proper sources)

    Fraser Cain (Masters, astronomy news and media)

    Arvin Ash (Mechanical Engineering/ claims life long learner and posts physics content with sources)

    7 Days of Science (few kids presently in Uni with VERY bright futures in paleontology reporting on papers and discoveries)

    Ben G Thomas (principal Uni kid of 7DoS and apparent future paleontologist)

    DJ Ware (Masters/Doc? In CS? and a former Bell Labs guy)

    Curious Marc (Masters/Doc? EE? another former Bell Labs guy)

    The Signal Path (Masters/Doc? EE, Grand Master of the dark arts of high frequency and radio, currently at Bell Labs)

    Scott Manley (Masters/Doc? inactive astronomer, rocket nerd)

    Dr. Becky (Professor of astronomy)

    Stewart Hicks (Professor of Architecture)

    Anything from Hank Green (SciShow) or from Brady Haron (Computerphile, Deep Sky Videos, Periodic Videos, Objectivity)

    The Thought Emporium (Masters/Doc? in organic chemistry)

    Breaking Taps (Professor of applied science)

    Mathias Wandel (EE and former lead engineer from Blackberry)

    Stuff Made Here (lead engineer from Form Labs)

    Economics Explained (Professor of Economics)

    Cool Worlds (Professor of Astronomy, a leading researcher for exo-moons)

    Dr. Ben Miles (Physicist, head of a venture capital firm)

    Stephen Milo (Masters/Doc? in archeology)

    Practical Engineering (Civil Engineer)

    Andreas Spies (retired EE and best source for hobby electronics and Arduino type stuff)

    EEVBlog (EE)

    Ben Eater (Professor of CS)

    Hexibase (audio engineer)

    Huygens Optics (Retired Professor? Hints like he worked at ASML. The principal optics YouTuber)

    Nile Red (Chemist)

    Prompt Engineering (CS, applied AI, active dev)

    Robert Miles (Doctorate, AI alignment researcher)

    Tech Ingredients (Applied Science)

    Yannic Kilcher (Doctorate, AI researcher for Meta and probably the most advanced present researcher posting content directly)

    Applied Science (Doc of Applied Science, magnetics specialist)

    Others I watch were already mentioned like Anton Petrov, Nick Zentner, etc.