If you’re looking for an affordable and accessible way to live longer, skip the pricey wellness retreats and quirky biohacks—just bike to work.

  • @elephantium
    212 hours ago

    I suppose I could. It’s not super practical, though. I don’t have panniers on my bike, limiting the amount I can carry*

    Also, it’s a 20 minute bike ride to my usual grocery store - bad for cold stuff (only 5 minutes to the expen$ive local shop, TBF)*

    Really, though, my wife picks up more of the groceries than I do – she has a 20 minute drive to work, and the grocery store is only a 5 minute detour by car.

    *(the starred items are minor obstacles, not deal-breakers. The more honest answer is “but biking would take more time!” which … ok, is just laziness).