If you’re looking for an affordable and accessible way to live longer, skip the pricey wellness retreats and quirky biohacks—just bike to work.
If you’re looking for an affordable and accessible way to live longer, skip the pricey wellness retreats and quirky biohacks—just bike to work.
I suppose I could. It’s not super practical, though. I don’t have panniers on my bike, limiting the amount I can carry*
Also, it’s a 20 minute bike ride to my usual grocery store - bad for cold stuff (only 5 minutes to the expen$ive local shop, TBF)*
Really, though, my wife picks up more of the groceries than I do – she has a 20 minute drive to work, and the grocery store is only a 5 minute detour by car.
*(the starred items are minor obstacles, not deal-breakers. The more honest answer is “but biking would take more time!” which … ok, is just laziness).