• z3rOR0ne
    92 months ago

    Carlin wasn’t talking about money per say…he was talking about power and the way it’s wielded. Carlin had money, and more importantly, he had power. He had an entire generation’s attention, and man, did he use that power to do some good!

    But he didn’t really have the kind of power of those that are in the big club. Carlin didn’t have the power to commit mass layoffs, commit genocides, nor commit mass injustice.

    If you’re going to argue that Carlin was a hypocrite because he had a significant amount of money and therefore had no right to criticize those in the big club, then I’d argue back that you severely missed the point.

    Those who have the power to directly fuck up massive amounts of people’s lives and livelihoods are in the big club, those that don’t aren’t. Carlin wasn’t in the big club. He could have a significant impact on the way you think about society, but that’s pretty much the extent of his influence.